Building up a kitty of funds that can be used to deal with any kind of emergency is important. And this requires disciplined saving and investment. The life insurance companies in India offer a variety of savings plans online as… Read More

Building up a kitty of funds that can be used to deal with any kind of emergency is important. And this requires disciplined saving and investment. The life insurance companies in India offer a variety of savings plans online as… Read More
In today’s times, surviving on a salary is not always adequate to meet your life’s goals. Inflation is through the roof, and the job market is going through a tough phase, where even the educated youth is struggling with unemployment.… Read More
Life insurance provides financial cover for them who have lost their income due to disability, retirement, accidental injury or death. But buying life insurance often involves answering this question: Should I buy term insurance or an endowment plan? Both are… Read More