On June 1, 2015, the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna (PMAY) was launched to meet the virtuous concept of housing for all in India. The scheme’s goal is to construct two crore dwelling units by 2022. The strategy aims to promote… Read More

Key factors to consider before buying a second property
According to data from the Economic Survey 2017-18, an increasing number of people now prefer buying property instead of renting. In 1961, 61% of Indians used to live in rented houses in urban areas, whereas 72% had their own home… Read More

5 things to know about plot loans in India
Are you about to apply for a plot loan? You should read this article before you do. Has it always been your dream to build a pretty little house on a plot of land that you own? You might borrow… Read More

5 steps to choosing the best property
We list the 5 most important factors to consider when choosing your dream house. Deciding to buy a house this year, you embark on a long search that confuses and daunts you by turns. You are left wondering how to… Read More