So are you going to begin your university life? Canada is a great place for higher studies. Good luck! A lot of preparation goes into applying to new colleges and getting enrolled. However, the pursuit of knowledge and higher education help you move beyond such issues. But while you are getting ready for your college, it is time to remind you of something important – plagiarism issues. Be aware that plagiarism in Canadais a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Conduct Code – resulting in disciplinary action.
Be aware of plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words or ideas and denying him credit. The students in Canada are expected to demonstrate integrity in academic endeavors as they part of the college community. Plagiarism in Canada is never seen in good light and can land you in lots of trouble. But you can avoid it in lots of ways.
Plagiarism is different from paraphrasing
Before moving on to paraphrasing, it is important to highlight that paraphrasing often leads to accidental plagiarism. It is important to understand how it can be used properly. You need to draw a clear line so that you do not stumble on this issue later on.
Things to remember while paraphrasing
The first point that you need to remember is to offer credit to the source. You can use a direct reference to the author, keep the borrowed words in quotation marks, or use full reference for the citation. Another point to be kept in mind while paraphrasing is that it has to be written in your own words. It should not be different from the rest of the paper. You can paraphrase single sentences. Divide complex sentences and write simpler versions while changing the word order. You can even add new material to support new ideas along with the original ones. There can be a shared language. You need not use quotes for tech-related terms, commonly-accepted vocabulary, or bias-free language.
Use quotation marks and block quotes where necessary
If you put quotation marks around the words that are not your creation, the reader would know where your words end, and that of another begins. It is a very natural and genuine way to give credit to someone for their work. Blockquotes also work well when the quotes would run longer. The block quotes do not have quotation marks around them. Giving proper credit to the author not only makes your work credible but helps offer proper references and additional material to readers.
However, there can be instances where you look over some piece of text that you might have copied. There can be instances where you have not given proper credit to the original author. This is where professional plagiarism tools such as Copyleaks become very useful. Proper regard to the work of original authors can help you make your own work credible.