For those of you who have pets at home, this global Covid-19 lockdown has been easier to deal with. Whenever the feeling of anxiety or helplessness knocks at the door, your pets come through as saviors: a reminder of the profound joys that can be felt when you play with dogs, or making your cat purr or simply watching kittens and puppies playing, utterly ignorant of the threat that looms in the world out there. For those of you who do not have pets, the time is ripe to gift yourself the most viable tool for stress-busting.
As the social distancingnorms vary as per the pandemic, you are all locked down at home. Those with pre-existing conditions of anxiety, depression, or panic attacks may found it hard to deal with the unprecedented present and unforeseeable future. Pets are an excellent tool for stress-busting. If you do not have pets at home, here a few reasons why the companionship with ‘furry friends’ go beyond just co-existing:
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1. Release your ‘Happiness Hormones’
Dopamine and Serotonin are the hormones that relax your nervous systems. When you see your pooches or cats doing silly things or acting cute, your body releases these hormones that significantly counter the stress hormones. So while you may be in a fix over your appraisal that was due or your loved ones that are afar due to the Coronavirus lockdown, your pets are the lighthouse that glitters away the darkness induced by melancholy.
2. Stroke away your blood pressure
The most common way of interacting with your pets is stroking your pets. This single sensory act of touch reduces blood pressure. This is the reason that therapy dogs exist, as they can work wonders in countering mental health unparalleled by medicines. Not just dogs, studies have suggested that stroking cats, rabbits and even turtles bring about the same results, even in those individuals who did not share this overwhelming fondness of animals.
3. Your toddler’s BFF for life
Spend time on social media, and you will find several videos of children bonding with cats and dogs. Those having pets at homecan seemingly observe the camaraderie between the children. Moreover, children with hyperactivity and aggression have a calming down effect when interacting with dogs or cats.
4. Fulfilling the desire to belong
There is never a moment too lonely if you have pets at home. The feeling of belonging to a company you cherish is present in every living being on our planet. This non-verbal communication, made of simple acts of gestures is what keeps loneliness at bay.
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5. Live the moment
Animals are the textbook example of living in the moment. Your petsdon’t worry about the past or the future. They live in every moment, whether they go about their chores, gobble food or take a nap at the sofa. Those who have dogs at home mostly recognize this aspect of their pet.
This home quarantinecould seem a little harsh. But it certainly has a silver lining. People are learning new skills, bonding with friends and colleagues where previously their hectic schedule prevented it, and spending time with their family and pets.
So stay home, stay safe, but also stay happy with your pets. Or just ask your dogs how they feel with the whole family together 24*7!
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